What is scrum
- Part of Agile
- An iterative process
- Management of SW Development Process
- 'Sequential approach' was predominant. It's like 'relay-race', handing over the baton to the next person.
- It's better to have 'rugby', where team works as an unit, passes the ball back and forth, and achieves the result.
- The term 'Scrum' came from a term in rugby.
- Each iteration is called 'sprint'. Can be 15-30 days' cycle.
- 'potential shippable'
- 'product backlog'
- 'sprint planning meeting'
- 'Pig' roles - fully dedicated
- --- There is a 'ScrumMaster' role who plays the PM role, and maintains the process.
- --- There is a 'Product Owner' role who represents the stakeholders.
- --- There is a 'Team' role who represents the developers.
- 'Chicken' roles - outside scrum team
- --- Users
- --- Managers
- - Stakeholders
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