Saturday, November 15, 2008

Trying OpenJMS

I have become curious to know about processes running in same/different JVM. There are synchronization issues here.

For multi-JVM calls, one of the most common techniques is RMI (Java's implementation of RPC). In RMI, a call to remote machine is blocked. So, your threads are now at the mercy of a different JVM. Enterprise level applications faced this problem long ago. So, they solved the problem by making the call asynchronous. The technical term is Message Queuing (MQ). BTW, enterprise-designers solved on more problem with MQ - connecting legacy applications in a disjointed manner.

For Java, it is called JMS (Java Messaging System), which is a common interface of all major implementation of MQ. The committee for JMS comprised of representatives all major MQ vendors; so JMS essentially covers the common denominator.

OpenJMS is one such implementation of JMS. It came after JMS spec was created. It is open-source. I am using OpenJMS to do my initial R&D on JMS.

My initial comments about OpenJMS are:
  • It is very easy to install. Just unzip.
  • Very easy to run/stop. Run the startup.bat, shutdown.bat.
  • There is a even better way - run the admin.bat. It pops up a small swing-window. From there, you can start/stop OpenJMS instance.
  • Using Admin tool, you can see which topics (a JMS terminology, explanation coming) and queues (another one) are being maintained.
  • Very easy to try to hello-world type thing. Ready to run (you have to have Ant configured, which fortunately I had) sample application can give you scope to do immediate testing.
Q: How do I use JMS in my application?
A: I didn't try this yet. OpenJMS prefers that you get a handle to it (running on same or remote machine) using JNDI (I am also doing some JNDI study; refer to those concepts, I am not going to explain them again here).

I am planning to do some more R&D using OpenJMS with the following setup:
  • Try 2-machine testing using my personal laptop and office-laptop.
  • Try multi-machine testing using VMWare, where I will host 2/3 OS running.
  • Hand-code some JMS client stuff.
I will continue to update this entry.


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